Liked this T-shirt & bought it for myself in Mt. Rushmore.
Remember how many times in school you had to write a paper on what you did on your summer vacation. Well you know what I did. I learned a couple of things my was reminded of some things I knew but needed to recommit to.
Things I Learned
- MacDonalds have free WiFi
- Make decisions with your head, but make the really important ones with your heart
- Kinda how to blog
- People like me more than I thought
- What once tied this country together, the American dreams, beliefs that were worth fighting for are dead or dying. The duct tape that is holding this country together is one-sided talk radio & country western music. (You knew I'd turn into an old whack)
- With my physical problems & limited dinero I can still do a lot of things younger & wealthier peolple are afraid to try.
- The end is not as close as it once seemed
- Fun & happiness. They're not superficial wastes of time but enhance spirituality. I once saw a billboard in Mexico that read "Pleasure is not time wasted". I think in the U.S. this idea is suspect.
- Everything is temporary. With global warming I hope that Max & Miles will have the thrill of seeing snow on the Rockies in the summer.
- I am soooooo--- lucky to have what I have, especially good friends.
Life, you got a TKO earlier in the year, but I'm revitalized, back in the ring & ready for everything you throw my way!
Thanks everyone for your support.
I'm having a Glad I Went, Glad to be Back Brunch this Sunday (7/25) at 10:30. Hope you can make it.
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