Sunday, July 4, 2010

Vermont-New York ferries

Diana has been such a great hostess. Originally I was going to spend July 2nd with her. She invited my to stay through the 4th to experience the holiday in a small New England town. I arrived on the evening of the 1st. She's taken me on great tours like the day we went to the Von Trapps, Ben & Jerry's etc. She's taking us on another tour tomorrow. Tues. Jake will stay with her while I run Up to Montreal. Wed. she'll babysit Jake while I cross into New York, Saratoga Springs, to meet my "long lost" cousins & aunt. Thursday she'll finally be rid of us, so I will have stayed a week! She has a share in an organic farm & has become an absolutely fantastic cook. Boo hoo, soon I'll be back to road food.

So after the outhouse races & parade, Diana drove us to a ferry in Shoreham, VT to cross into Ft. Ticonderoga. New York. Those are the Andorondak Mountains in the background.

Then we crossed back from Crown Point, NY to Addison, VT. The body of water that we keep crossing is Lake Champlain.

These are just a couple of typical Vermont farms.

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