Thursday, July 1, 2010


#1 photo is Hawthorne's House of Seven Gables.
Also inspired the Scarlet Letter.

#2The founder of Salem.

#3 The pillory at The Witches Dungeon Museum. If a wife didn't cook a Sunday dinner according to her husband's wishes she was put here for a day.
The same if you were late to church. If you missed church on a Sunday you were put here for a week. Stocks have leg holes

#4 The Witch House is the only building in Salem with direct ties to the witch trials. It was the home of Judge Jonathan Corwin.

#5 Building with arched windows is where Thomas Edison made his first phone call.

#6 The last name on this sign is one of the judges of the witch trials.

The Witches Museum was draped in black, it's getting a new facade. Jake was allowed in in my purse & on the trolley tour. The Museum had a great tour & re-inactment of what led to the trials & the trials themselves.

Photos of Winter Island Marine Park.

I stayed at the Hawthorne Hotel, one of the historic hotels of America. It's located on the Salem Common & accepts dogs. There had been a dog wedding there the previous week so Jake got 2 of the weeding favors: a dog biscuit decorated as a groom & a dog biscuit decorated as a bride.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pictures! My nephew is the 11th gr-grandson of Rebecca Nurse (nee: Towne), accused of being a witch and eventually hanged July 19, 1692 in Salem. A few years later, her accuser, Ann Putnam, Jr., publicly apologized to the Nurse family for accusing innocent people. In1885 a monument was erected for Rebecca that reads: "Rebecca Nurse, Yarmouth, England 1621. Salem, Mass., 1692. O Christian Martyr who for Truth could die When all about thee owned the hideous lie! The world redeemed from Superstition's sway Is breathing freer for thy sake today. (From the poem "Christian Martyr," by John Greenleaf Whittier)" On that note, have a fantastic 4th of July!
