Saturday, June 19, 2010

Second Day in Key West

We ate dinner at

Still can't get a hold on this. Photos are in reverse order from text.

Duffy's a local steak & crab place & had the required key lime pie. The next day we went to The Pirates Museum (no photos allowed) & then to Ernest Hemingway's House. The first photo is the street it's on. Loved the house. The white arch is where people can get married. It’s beautiful but what about the karma? Papa collected wives as well as cats? Yes, that is Jake in the pink bag…. he was great at the Pirate Museum & here at the house. No one expected my deceit.

There’s the cat cemetery, all the cats are the descendents of his original Snowball. They have become very possessive of the house & grounds & if any neighborhood cats try to enter their area they chase them away. Someone asked why don’t they leave? They’ve got it made there. Hemingway had a big thing for cats. When he & Picasso met before either of them was famous, Picasso gave Hemingway a statue of a cat. This one is a copy. A tourist stole the original & when he was about to be apprehended, he destroyed it.

The lighthouse is across the street from the house. “Papa” used to booze it up a lot & he said he could always find his way home because of the lighthouse.

Long story about the pool when I get home if anyone is interested.

Because of the Cuban influence, cock fighting was once popular here. Now it is illegal to harass a chicken & they roam the streets freely.

President Truman had “The Little Whitehouse” here. I always like to visit the non-tourist parts of towns if I can.

1 comment:

  1. great photos, alice! It is just the way I imagined it to be. What a cool house for a writer. and just about my favorite writer, too!

    am just catching up with your tour again after a very busy week. working again the past 2 weeks!

