Friday, June 4, 2010

San Antonio & why Texans don't call 911

Lots of electric storms. Here are some photos of The Alamo & the archaeology museum featuring the history of the Bowie knife. It’s in the same complex as The Alamo. Many of the defenders of The Alamo came from the Eastern States & a scattering of European countries. There were a couple of Germans & a lot of Irish!

At the entrance I took to The River Walk there was a bar with a person outside suggesting to whoever walked by that they buy a beer or a Margarita to accompany them on their walk.

The T shirt is on a robot packing pistols (I don't know if that's clear enough).

The orange statue is called “The Torch of Friendship”

You can see how on the Texas flatlands you can see a storm approaching from a distance.

This is short because I had 2 Margaritas & am very tired.

1 comment:

  1. San Antonio looks lovely with the canals. Looks like you are making good progress. Texas is big!
